“Des gogoles”, Pierre and Fred from “L’amour est dans le pré” scandalized by “Les Grandes Gueules”

This November 29, 2023, on the plateau of Big Mouths, Didier Giraud, cattle breeder, tackled the show “Love is in the meadow”, which is completing its 18th season on M6. He ranted on RMC, explaining in particular: “I know plenty of peasants who don’t look like the gogols of love is in the meadow.” And the response was quick from the program’s former candidates…

We are not “gogols”

A few moments later, Pierre and Fred from Love is in the pre season 7 took over the extract from the channel and counterattacked. On Instagram, they wrote that this video made their ears bleed. To the one who called them “gogols” and who explained that they did not resemble “nothing to ordinary farmers”the lovers asked: “Oh, there’s a sketch of the typical farmer?”

Denouncing the clichés conveyed by such a declaration, Pierre and Fred felt that they did not need to “look like a peasant”with “worn pants with holes that are too large”, “a string belt”, “a beret”, “big dirty hands”, “a local accent”, “a strong smell of manure”, “clogs” and not washing “in a basin of cold water only once a week”, to be one!

Based in Gers, where they own a wine estate and a guest house, Pierre and Fred explained that they were farmers in their hearts, their souls, their daily lives, their love of the land and animals.

Thank you Karine Le Marchand

About the program through which they met, they assured: “Be sure that for 18 years, the show and the farmers have brought agriculture directly into the homes of urban people. In any case, a few snippets of this beautiful and diverse profession and this beautiful philosophy. So we are very proud of it. The important thing is to talk about agriculture. So no matter the means, no matter the form, only the substance counts!“And conclude their message by thanking Karine Le Marchand, the host as well as the channel for “the intelligence of the heart to show portraits all as different as the profession of farmer!”


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