Deputies and senators reject the nomination of the candidate proposed by the Elysée at the head of the Ecological Transition Agency

This is the first time that a candidate proposed by the Elysée at the head of a public body has been challenged since this procedure was introduced in 2008 in article 13 of the Constitution.

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Boris Ravignon, LR mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes), January 4, 2023. (KAREN KUBENA / MAXPPP)

She did not pass. The appointment of the LR mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes), Boris Ravignon, at the head of Ademe, the Ecological Transition Agency, was challenged by Parliament, franceinfo learned from a parliamentary source, Wednesday, April 12. His desire to combine several functions explains this rejection.

This is the first time that a candidacy proposed by the Elysée, at Ademe or elsewhere, has been refused, since this procedure introduced in 2008 in article 13 of the Constitution. In detail, 57 deputies and senators voted against, and 32 for, specifies a parliamentary source at franceinfo. More than three-fifths of elected officials thus rejected this candidacy, i.e. the quota required under the Constitution to oppose an appointment proposed by the President of the Republic, following Boris Ravignon’s hearing in committee on Wednesday morning, as the Senate confirms.

In the morning debates, deputies and senators criticized Boris Ravignon for his refusal to resign from his mandate as mayor following his first appointment to Ademe. The agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the fields of climate and energy, and advises companies and institutions on their ecological transitions.

Boris Ravignon and Emmanuel Macron, enarques of the same generation, worked together at the General Inspectorate of Finance in Bercy in 2004-2005, before Boris Ravignon joined Nicolas Sarkozy, then Minister of the Interior and launched for the presidential election of 2007. Boris Ravignon took part in the Grenelle de l’environnement. He has been mayor of Charleville-Mézières since 2014.

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