deputies and senators agree on a common version of the text

Seven elected officials from each chamber met to discuss points of disagreement between the versions adopted in the National Assembly and the Senate. The text will be put to the vote on Wednesday in Parliament.

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This time, the violins are tuned. Deputies and senators reached an agreement in a joint committee on the first part of measures in favor of purchasing power, Monday, August 1st. This “emergency” bill in favor of purchasing power must still be validated one last time on Wednesday afternoon by the National Assembly and the Senate. It includes 20 billion euros of expenditure.

The text provides in particular for a 4% increase in retirement pensions and several allowances with retroactive effect from July 1, 2022, the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) and still the continuation of the “Macron bonus” which can be paid by employers.

The National Assembly had adopted the text in first reading, on July 22, then the Senate had followed, seven days later. However, there remained points of disagreement between the two chambers. Seven deputies and seven senators meeting in a joint joint committee therefore worked, at the end of the day, on a common version of these provisions. The terms of the continuation of the “Macron bonus” or the early release of employee savings were notably on the menu of these discussions.

The Senate has also been examining since Monday afternoon at first reading the amended draft budget for 2022, which includes the second part of measures in favor of purchasing power. A joint committee composed of deputies and senators will meet on Wednesday evening on this more thorny text, the final adoption of which is hoped for by Sunday.

Continuation of the tariff shield on energy and the fuel discount, revaluation of the index point for civil servants… This amending finance bill opens up 44 billion euros in credits, including 9.7 to finance the renationalisation to 100% EDF.

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