departures on vacation threatened by the SNCF strike




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The All Saints holidays begin on Friday, October 22. The traffic was disrupted because the SNCF started a strike. France Télévisions journalist Marie Justet is live from Montparnasse station in Paris to take stock of the situation.

The departures on vacation of many French people were disrupted by a strike by SNCF employees, which began on Friday, October 22. Marie Justet, journalist for France Télévisions, is present at Montparnasse station in Paris to take stock of a situation which should improve by the end of the weekend. “More trains than originally planned on the rails this weekend”, announces the journalist.

Only the forecasts for the TGV’s Atlantic axis are known, with eight TGV out of ten on Saturday 23, and two TGV out of three on Sunday October 24. The canceled trains have already been announced by SNCF, which has also contacted the customers concerned. “In this case, two choices are possible: either postpone your trip, or if not, you request a refund”, adds the journalist from France Télévisions. These actions are free.

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