Denitsa Ikonomova refuses cash an ex-partner of “Dancing with the stars”?

This is very sad news that fans of “Dancing with the Stars” learned a few weeks ago… Denitsa Ikonomova, emblematic figure of the show, said goodbye to telecrochet. It was on her Instagram account that the young woman announced her departure from DALS. ” It is with a heavy heart that I confirm that I will unfortunately not be part of season 12 of Dancing with the Stars “, she wrote not without emotion on the social network before thanking the channel, but also the viewers. ” This show changed my life and I am very grateful to all the production of @tf1 for giving me my chance to show what I was capable of. I blossomed for 8 wonderful seasons as a dancer, coach and choreographer with 8 incredible people. So many great encounters including the one with YOU the public. »

And to continue: I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your unconditional support, your kind words and always delicate attentions which touch me enormously. It gave me a lot of self-confidence and the strength to take on the challenges that life threw at me, including becoming a @dals_tf1 juror for my ninth season. I would have loved to relive this experience but fate decided otherwise… I wish all the best to the 4 judges and the new candidates, as well as to all my dancer friends who will continue to dazzle you, I’m sure! A beautiful statement.

“I don’t calculate it”

Exit “Dance with the stars”, Denitsa Ikonomova therefore granted herself a short break. Lately, it is in Croatia that the pretty brunette had decided to put down her suitcases in the company of another dancer. A dancer she didn’t hesitate to rescind… at the airport. Sitting next to Christian Millette, François Alu’s sidekick preferred to look at his phone rather than chat with the young man. A situation that he did not fail to display in story. Amused, Denitsa Ikonomova also reacted by writing: “ He is not happy because I do not calculate it “. Not cool !


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