Denis Coderre at BPM Sports | “We are going to spark debate”

Denis Coderre’s passion for boxing and baseball is well known. He will now be able to share it on the airwaves of BPM Sports 91.9 Montreal, every weekday.

Posted at 7:00 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

As revealed The Press Wednesday morning, the former mayor of Montreal will be a contributor to the morning show Jean-Charles Lajoie – First storyteller starting August 29.

The official announcement took place on Wednesday noon, on the occasion of the launch of BPM Sports at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal. In an interview with The Pressthe 59-year-old reiterated his love of sport, recalling that he had been Minister of Sports.

“Obviously, there will be a bit of sports politics,” he said.

“Sometimes I’ll be a stage manager, sometimes I’ll be a team manager, but I’ll try to bring a closeness to the needs of each of the players in the decision, he adds. It means we can talk about anything. Sport and religion, we all have an opinion on that. »

Sport, he recalled, is “unifying” and “kindles passions”. It is also an “economic and social echo”. Mr. Coderre will take advantage of his column to “put the dots on the i”, he said, giving the example of the use of public funds for the construction of a stadium.

“We’re going to spark debate. We will respect everyone, but we will get to the bottom of things and give perspectives. […] Love me or dislike me, I don’t care. But let’s talk. »

Politics “in the good sense of the term”

When asked if he intends to return to politics, Mr. Coderre replies that: “it’s not because we don’t have the title that we can’t do it, but in the right meaning of the term”.

“JiC and I are very complementary, with Réjean Tremblay, Bob Hartley. There are big hits. There is something in there that will allow us to reach people. And I want things back because I’m also into social media a lot. It’s an extraordinary handful that gets things done and you can settle a lot of business on sports radio, ”he said.

As his column will be broadcast throughout Quebec, on the entire BPM Sports network, Mr. Coderre will speak of “several regions”.

“We will be able to talk, but to force ourselves not to be centralizing in perspective, he mentioned. It’s not just a Montreal, Quebec or Gatineau perspective. It’s having that sense of sensitivity, that no matter where you stay, it’s fairness for all. We are all entitled to an opinion and you are all part of the solution. »

Asked whether political parties have contacted him in view of the next provincial elections, the ex-mayor went there with a “Well no! “.

“I don’t want to know anything,” he continued. I was federal, I was municipal. What is the next step ? I will not try to be in the elections. But I talk to everyone and everyone talks to me. I have reached this venerable age as well as the experience and knowledge that allow me to sometimes play a role of mentor, a role of coach. »

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