Denis Brogniart reframes a candidate he considers “too presumptuous”!

During the last episode of Koh-Lanta, Tuesday April 26, 2022, the twists and turns kept viewers of the program in suspense. While he thought he was “protected” during his deal with Louana, young Colin paid the price for his somewhat stormy behavior. “I was not expecting it at all. I trusted too much, I fell from very high. It was really really hard“, he confided to our colleagues from Purepeople.

During an exchange on Instagram, Denis Brogniart also recalled this painful moment to the eliminated adventurer. “I saw you laughing. I saw you not believing your eyes, or your ears, or your hair, or anything. You fell, not even from the wardrobe, you fell from the top floor of the Eiffel Tower last night“, he launched to him. Words corroborated by Olga’s friend: “There is nothing more violent than not even saying to yourself: ‘I am worried’. I hadn’t even said that to myself. When I first saw my name, I smiled. I said to myself: ‘It’s a joke, there is someone who hates me because I eliminated a yellow’“.

If the young man fell from the clouds after an eviction that he had not seen coming, Denis Brogniart was less surprised at the fate reserved for the adventurer. He even tried to warn him. “At one point, I told you that it was complicated because you laugh all the time, even in the somewhat complicated moments. You remember, at the council, I told you: ‘You’re fed up, but put yourself in the place of those who are leaving’“, he pointed out.

And if Colin was eliminated by his teammates, the host of Koh-Lanta thinks he owes it to his behavior. He also cropped the impetuous during the adventure. “I remember you scolding me“, revealed the young man. “A little bit, because I thought you were a little presumptuous about all this“, justified Denis Brogniart.


See also: We found the look-alike of Denis Brogniart!

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