Denis Brogniart finally breaks the silence and takes a clear position on the indictment of François

After the cheating scandal, Koh-Lanta is still at the heart of a major controversy. Several days ago, the editorial staff of Canard Enchaîné revealed that one of the candidates for the new season was currently under investigation for manslaughter. A few years ago, a firefighter died during a forest fire in Gabian, in the Hérault department. Three other professionals were seriously injured. François, new adventurer, is today singled out. He and several of his colleagues have since been suspected of having gave inappropriate, sometimes contradictory orders, and provided insufficient training and obsolete materials”. Although the young man is presumed innocent, his participation in the show has been questioned. Especially by the victims.

Recently interviewed by Le Buzz TV du Figaro, Denis Brogniart reacted to the story which once again tarnishes the image of the show. “I would first like to express all my admiration for firefighters, and I can even tell you how much I love working with these people. […] I have boundless admiration for them.”began by saying the host before adding: “I can only relate what the lawyer says”. “In all cases, there is a presumption of innocence, and in this case, I also ask that it be respected”.

“François told us that he was not the subject of any conviction and sent us an extract from his criminal record”, said the companion of Hortense. “ He was not present at the time of the events. While he had taken care of the training, he did not train any of these firefighters, either those who were injured or the one who unfortunately lost their lives”. “I saw him like you, this injured firefighter… I have enormous compassion, and a lot of consideration for firefighters as a whole, for the dangerousness of their profession. […] Big thought for the family of the one who lost his life, for those who are injured and those who are in a difficult situation.

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