Denis Brogniart devastated, the host pays tribute to a deceased loved one

It has now been several weeks since Koh Lanta is back on our screens with Denis Brogniart at the helm. Unfortunately, because of the stories of cheating, there will be no All Stars season this year.

Besides that, Denis Brogniart remains very active on social networks and does not hesitate to share his joys and his sorrows as was the case this Friday March 11, 2022. Indeed, the one who attended the birth of a woman who almost turned tragic during the filming of the show signed TF1 revealed that he had just lost a close friend.

Thus, under a photo of the man in question, Denis Brogniart initially wrote: “I have just lost a dear friend, a rare man, a catalyst for good vibes and energy. Laurent Vimont was of the caliber of leaders, a courageous, committed person who thrived on the strong human relationships he maintained wherever he went. He was passionate about everything, all the time. I loved him deeply, I admired him a lot and I respected him infinitely. He was a great human boss at the head of @century21fr, a talented tribune, such a generous being, listening to others, benevolent in all circumstances. He dragged me into all his challenges, like when, after losing a bet, we swam across the Seine one morning in June.

Before continuing: “He marveled at everything, he was nourished by the experiences of others, he was simply very kind. Laurent, I am immensely sad tonight, in shock at your sudden departure. We were still joking together a while ago. 2 days… I can’t believe it. My only comfort is to know that you were very happy, fulfilled with your wife Alice and your daughter Victoire, the apples of your eyes of whom I think very much today .RIP MY FRIEND”.

Fortunately, Denis Brogniart was able to count on the support of his community, which did not hesitate to send him messages of support in this terrible ordeal.

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