Denis Brogniart a bit “psychopathic” with his 3 daughters: what he forbids them at home

Asking and doing almost nothing on Sunday, Denis Brogniart was unable to do so, until his wife Hortense, to whom he has been married since 2007, asked him to slow down. “It was my wife who taught me to screw around. For me, it was a little bad…“, admits the famous animator who celebrates his 55th birthday today in an interview with the Sunday newspaper.

If the emblematic face of Koh Lanta (TF1) allows himself to sleep a few extra hours on Sundays, until 8 a.m. against 6 a.m. on weekdays, he makes sure that his three daughters don’t push the lie-ins too far, not very 10 a.m. A rule that he imposes on his twins Lili and Violette (17 years old) and the youngest Blanche (15 years old) and which makes him a little “psychopath” by his own admission. And Denis Brogniart takes care that his daughters do not have “cheated” when he returns from his Sunday morning sports.

The rest of the day takes place with the family, with a lunch that brings them all together. Denis Brogniart, his wife Hortense, their three daughters but also Dimitri, the eldest of 22 years old who continues his studies in Strasbourg and who was born from the first marriage of Denis Brogniart. “It is an absolute joy to be all together at the table; we are almost six adults now, the discussions are more animated“, confides the star of TF1 to the Sunday newspaper. This family meal is also an opportunity for Denis Brogniart to hear from his children’s love affairs… A subject of conversation on which he does not get many answers… “But I rarely get results“, admits the presenter.

The rest of the day is dedicated to relaxation for Denirs Brogniart and his family, each vacant in his activities. He likes photographing nature or his children, “which usually pisses them off“. Dinner is in freestyle mode, even being able to turn into a second breakfast. “A toast with a coffee with milk; it comes from my childhood“, shares Denis Brogniart.

Then comes back on Monday and the host is then completely free to resume his hyper active daily life…

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