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In the United States, after a 16-year-old girl was refused an abortion because she was not mature enough, public opinion was divided. The Florida court will review its decision in the coming days.
Shock wave in the United States. On the television sets of the country, it is the affair which makes debate. A Florida court in the United States has blocked a 16-year-old girl’s request for an abortion, arguing that she was not mature enough. The young girl, ten weeks pregnant, however pleaded not to be able to raise a child, because she is still in school, without work and without help from the father. But as she is an orphan, she had to obtain an exemption from justice despite the agreement of her guardian. A waiver refused.
The verdict divides Americans. “At 16, I don’t think she’s ready to make such a decision.“, says an American. “If at 16, we are able to know if we want to go to university, to decide our future, why shouldn’t we have the right to decide for our body?“, retorts another. “The Florida court has announced that it will review its decision in a few days, and that it may approve an abortion if the teenager presents sufficient evidence of her maturity“, concludes Camille Guttin, correspondent in Washington (United States) of France Télévisions.