demonstrators enter the offices of the Prime Minister, newly appointed interim president

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12:06 : At midday, here is a new point on the news:

• After the Sri Lankan President fled to the Maldives, the Prime Minister was appointed interim Head of State. His offices were invaded by demonstrators, prompting the country’s new strongman to summon the army and the police to “restore order”.

• To cope with soaring prices, the minimum wage will be automatically increased by 2.01% on August 1, announced INSEE. This is the second time this year that the minimum wage has been increased. The passbook A rate could rise by 1% to 2%.

• Seven departments in the south of France are placed on orange alert due to the heat wave. The highs for this Wednesday should reach up to 37 or 38 ° C in the Rhône valley and the South-West, affected by violent forest fires.

• The day’s stage between Albertville and the Col du Granon will start in a few minutes. On the program, two passes out of category, which should allow the contenders for victory in Paris to explain themselves in the final.

11:57 : In a television address, thehe Prime Minister asks the army and the police to “restore order” in the country.

11:29 : Protestors have taken PMs office #SriLankaProtests

11:59 : Opponents of the government in place now occupy the offices of the Prime Minister, freshly appointed to head the country to succeed the president on the run. Earlier in the day, they were repelled by tear gas fire from the police.

11:25 a.m. : Shortly after the appointment of the prime minister as interim president, protesters broke into the premises of the country’s main public television channel. The transmission was cut and replaced by a recorded program.

09:54 : Speaker of Parliament announces that fugitive Head of State Gotabaya Rajapaksaappointed its Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesingheas acting President of Sri Lanka.

09:48 : The situation is tense in Colombo, where the police fired tear gas grenades to contain thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the offices of the Prime Minister, called for the resignation. A curfew has been put in place across the province to end gatherings.

(Rafiq Maqbool/AP/SIPA)

09:43 : In the wake of the departure of the Sri Lankan president to the Maldives, the government declares a state of emergency “to deal with the situation in the country”.

07:05 : The Sri Lankan president has left his country. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, booed by a strong popular movement, landed in the Maldives after fleeing on a military plane with his wife and a bodyguard. He must officially resign today.

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