demonstrations against Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron all over France



Article written by

A. Hébert, H. Capelli, C. Cuello, T. Vyncke, K. Singh, M. Mannhart, F. Daireaux, C. Gindre, D. De Barros, L. Velay, F. Motey – franceinfo

France Televisions

Demonstrations against the far right took place across France on Saturday April 16. In other processions, the activists had a single watchword: neither Marine Le Pen nor Emmanuel Macron for the second round of the presidential election.

Emmanuel Macron on one side, Marine Le Pen on the other and the same rejection for these demonstrators. In Paris, 9,200 people were gathered on Saturday April 16, according to the police. In the procession, many signs were brandished with a single message: neither one nor the other. “These are two facets of the same system, which is there so that the old are in the galley and the young in misery”denounces a demonstrator.

But for many, it is out of the question to see Marine Le Pen (National Rally) at the Élysée, so the choice is obvious. Emmanuel Macron (The Republic on the move)even if I don’t like it, we have no choice”says an activist. “I came because it’s too important to stay at home. We must say no to the far right”, added a protester. In Caen, confused left-wing voters marched and some of them burned their electoral cards.

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