Demonstration of support for the Palestinians, immigration law… Marc Ferracci’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Vice-President Renaissance of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday November 4, 2023.

Marc Ferracci, deputy for French people living abroad, Renaissance vice-president of the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday November 4, 2023. Demonstration of support for the Palestinians, immigration law… He answers questions by Jules de Kiss and Benjamin Sportouch.

Israel-Hamas: “We must find a balance between the right to demonstrate and public order”

“We allowed the right to demonstrate to express itself”reacts Marc Ferracci while the new demonstration in support of Palestine organized this Saturday in Paris was not banned, unlike the previous ones. “We need to express solidarity with the Palestinian people, but also to draw a very clear boundary line between the Palestinian people and Hamas”however, warns the majority deputy, who fears “anti-Semitic acts” during this demonstration.

Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday a “humanitarian conference” for the Gaza Strip, which will be held on November 9 in Paris. “The goal is to put on the table all the donors, all the countries which are likely to contribute or which are already contributing”, explains Marc Ferracci. To explain the absence of Israel, MP Renaissance explains that this “could be a source of tension”.

Israel which must “provide explanations on its targeting strategy”, after a strike against the French Institute in Gaza, announced on Friday November 3 by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Concerning these strikes on targets such as ambulances, refugee camps and even churches, Marc Ferraci indicates that “Israel must destroy Hamas”and that’s why “must show strength for this but also moral strength”. “This border line is also what differentiates a democracy and a terrorist group”he assures.

Immigration law: “The argument of the pull of air” put forward by the right, “it’s wind”

“The argument of the draft is wind”, Judge Marc Ferracci, two days before the start of the examination of the immigration bill in the Senate. State medical aid or regularization of undocumented workers who work in “jobs in tension” are not “attractiveness factors”these measures will not attract more immigrants to France, sweeps away the vice-president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly.

“I care about article 3”, insists the MP, referring to the article which provides for a one-year renewable residence permit for workers in sectors with a labor shortage. Right-wing parliamentarians have already assured that they will not vote for the text if article 3 is maintained. They denounce the risk of “air call” with this measurement.

“There have been regularization measures under all governments since Jean-Pierre Chevènement, there is no historical or statistical proof of an additional cost of legal or illegal immigration”insists Marc Ferracci, who denounces “counter arguments”.

The text, amended by the Senate Law Committee, now plans to transform state medical aid (AME), which currently allows more than 400,000 people in an irregular situation to be treated, into “emergency medical aid”, focused on serious illnesses, care related to pregnancy or even regulatory vaccinations. This subject divides the government: Olivier Véran is against, while Gérald Darmanin said he “personally favorable”. “We must be very careful when we ask ourselves the question of removing the AME”, judge for his part Marc Ferracci. The MP is not “not hostile” to a debate on “the scope of access to care” within the framework of the AME. “The care basket may be too broad”he continues, but “we must not question this principle”for reasons “public health” And “because it doesn’t seem to be a factor of attractiveness”.

The vice-president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly “don’t want a 49.3” on this text. He is persuaded “that there is a way of passage” in the National Assembly to find a majority. “I want to go to the vote to make everyone face their responsibilities”he concludes.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Saturday November 4, 2023:

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