Demonstration of anti-measures truckers: “we are not intimidated”, says Trudeau

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, judges that the thousands of truckers and their sympathizers who came to Ottawa to demand an end to sanitary measures “do not respect the facts, the science, nor, for many, our democratic principles. He has no intention of making concessions to them.

” [Les manifestants] do not have the right to threaten or harass their fellow citizens, nor to spread messages of hatred, ”dropped the Canadian Prime Minister on Monday, during a virtual press conference. He has no intention of meeting the representatives of the convoy.

“The majority of Canadians are saying, ‘let’s see! We all want to end this pandemic. »

Justin Trudeau listed a few incidents that occurred during the “freedom convoy”, a noisy demonstration that has disrupted part of downtown Ottawa since Friday. Truckers converged from the west of the country last week, making headlines around the world.

Former US President Donald Trump even gave his support to the convoy at the end of the weekend of demonstrations. A large Quebec contingent was visible, claiming various anti-government causes.

The head of the Canadian government made particular reference to the presence of Nazi flags, the theft of food from a homeless shelter, the desecration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the appropriation of the statue of Terry Fox.

“The vast majority of Canadians know that grumbling is not the way to get through this pandemic. It is by getting vaccinated,” he said.

Justin Trudeau made the point Monday morning, day of resumption of work in the House of Commons against the backdrop of a demonstration by truckers. A few hundred demonstrators were still gathered in front of the Federal Parliament on Monday, while the police sealed off the main accesses to the city center of the federal capital.

The Prime Minister also announced Monday that he has COVID-19.

Further details will follow.

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