The police had reinforced their presence on Friday around the National Assembly in anticipation of a possible influx of demonstrators against health measures.
However, they were still few in the morning in front of the Parliament building, to face the cold and the biting wind.
On the other hand, more police stood guard at certain intersections. Outside near the entrances to the buildings, officers asked people who wanted to enter to present their access card.
At a press conference in Montreal, Prime Minister François Legault hinted that the authorities were ready for any eventuality. Alerted by the blockade and mayhem in Ottawa, the authorities are ready to react quickly.
“We have a lot of tow trucks ready if necessary to eventually remove trucks,” he said. We will not at all tolerate trucks preventing citizens from circulating. »
Like Thursday, access to the street and the esplanade in front of the National Assembly is prohibited for vehicles, as is the Grande-Allée.
It was nevertheless still possible to circulate freely on the street behind the Parliament, as well as on René-Lévesque Boulevard, to the north, along the Executive Council building, where the Prime Minister’s office is located. A few trucks of demonstrators were also parked nearby.
The cries and horns of the protesters will however find no echo: the House does not sit on Fridays, so all the deputies have returned to their constituencies and no activity is planned.
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