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As every evening, the 11pm takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It is the Eurozapping of Monday, December 20.
In Poland, thousands of people demonstrated Monday, December 20 against an anti-media law in Warsaw to defend a free and independent press. This demonstration comes after the promulgation of a text by the conservative party in power. This aims to prohibit companies not belonging to the European Economic Area from having a majority stake in the Polish media. “The authorities want to silence the television channels they deem hostile to their policies. It is a new step in the construction of an authoritarian state“, assures a protester.
In the Canaries, on the island of Palma, the Cumbre Vieja has been silent for four days, after three months of intense activity. “We are currently witnessing a pause. But to say that the eruption is definitely over, the parameters we record must be the same for at least ten days.“, details Maria José Blanco, director of the National Geographic Institute. On the island, 2,000 buildings disappeared and 7,000 people had to be evacuated.
In Serbia, in the village of Stari Kostolac, many people used Roman stones to build their houses. They managed to get hold of them not far from their town, on an archaeological site 1,600 years old, a vestige of a Roman village. “I know this is a bit of a hassle, because these stones are Roman. But now, what can we do about it? Everyone here has done this before“, explains a resident.