Demonstration against the rise in nickel: “The readjustment is necessary”

In Limoilou, several citizens’ committees expressed their disagreement with the decision of the Ministry of the Environment to increase the concentration of nickel five times.

• Read also: Marchand opposes the provincial on nickel

• Read also: Nickel: Jackie Smith puts pressure on Marchand

“Obviously the increase in the nickel standard proposed by Quebec is unacceptable. This is why it is important to put pressure on the government to back down,” says Raymond Poirier, member of the citizen’s coastal committee.

He adds that the government must recognize that this standard “cannot and must not” apply, particularly in the Limoilou sector.

Health impact

The committee justified this challenge with a toxicology study. This showed that this increase can affect the air in the region

“We saw with the study on toxicology that there are significant gray areas on the various pollutants and how these could impact the local reality of the district”, he maintains.

A readjustment is necessary, according to the organizer, to avoid any situation which will have consequences on people’s health.

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