demonstration against the plan to move the medical-social services of the department

Will the social services of the department of Ardèche in Teil leave the town to settle in Meysse? This is currently under discussion. The premises of Teil are no longer suitable and the president of the department plans to install them in the town of Meysse, 9 kilometers to the north. We find, for example, the services of the RSA, assistance to the elderly, maternal and child protection

A long-planned move

The move project is not new. The former socialist majority of the department had already planned this move because the current premises are no longer suitable. The project was stopped when Teil suffered a major earthquake on November 11, 2019. The new majority of the department resulting from the June 2021 elections plans to leave Teil and could acquire land in Meysse.

Opposition from users

Users point out that 80% of the people who go to the department’s social services are Teillois or inhabitants of the communes south of Teil. They are also vulnerable populations for whom any displacement is a problem.

Addictive behavior in Le Teil has increased by 30% since the earthquake. Olivier Pévérelli, mayor of Teil.

Finally, a recent study has shown that since the earthquake of November 11, 2019, addictive behavior has increased by 30%. Residents of Teil regularly consult psychologists at the medical and social centre.

As if by magic, the town hall of Le Teil offered us eight sites on which to install the new medical and social centre. Olivier Amrane, president of the departmental council of Ardèche.

The president of the county council explains that the proposals of the town hall of Teil were not suitable. Since Olivier Amrane suggested moving the medical-social center to Meysse, he has had eight proposals for land in Teil to build a new building. “It’s good, things are moving,” said Olivier Amrane.

The president of the departmental council of Ardèche says that no decision has been taken and that his services will study the proposals of the town hall of Teil. “In any case there will be a move during our mandate, the working conditions in the current building are not acceptable” explains Olivier Amrane.

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