Demographics: India will soon replace China as the most populous country in the world


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China will soon no longer be the most populous country in the world. It will be overtaken by India. Wednesday, April 26, journalist Lucie Berbey, correspondent for France Télévisons in New Delhi, explains that this is not a surprise.

China will soon no longer be the most populous country in the world. India will take first place. “This handover between China and India was expected, predictable. The two Asian giants had been racing each other for several years already. On the one hand, there is China, whose demographic curve is tiring. The Chinese are fewer and fewer children, so much so that the country saw its population decline last year for the first time. And this trend will continue. China must drop below the one billion mark. inhabitants by the end of the century”explains journalist Lucie Berbey, correspondent for France Télévisons in New Delhi, Wednesday, April 26.

In India, the population has doubled in less than 50 years

“On the other side, there is India, whose population has doubled in less than 50 years. Each year, the equivalent of a third of the French population is born in India. This increase will continue until 2064. India will then have 1.7 billion inhabitants. Only then will its population stabilize, and gradually reduce”concludes the journalist.

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