Democrats retain contested New York state governorship

The Democrats managed to retain the disputed seat of governor of New York state on Tuesday, one of their strongholds, which was nevertheless the scene of a tighter race than expected, according to American media.

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Outgoing Governor Kathy Hochul, who replaced powerful local chief executive Andrew Cuomo in the summer of 2021 due to a sex scandal, beat her Republican opponent Lee Zeldin, according to ABC and NBC.

According to partial results given by the New York Times, Ms. Hochul, a 64-year-old centrist Democrat from upstate New York, won 55% of the vote against 45% for her 42-year-old Republican challenger Donald Trump. had dubbed.

Few people imagined before Tuesday’s midterm elections that New York City and the state, considered left-leaning progressive strongholds, could slip out of Democratic control in favor of conservative Republicans.

However, New York State could have given a push to the right, especially outside cities where Republicans are sometimes more popular than Democrats.

Since October, the race between the right-wing opposition and the center-left majority had tightened amid soaring prices and growing feelings of insecurity in the largest city in the United States and the fourth state in the country.

Until polls suggest a neck and neck, even a defeat on the wire of Governor Hochul, in favor of Mr. Zeldin.

In addition to the elections of governors and local elected representatives throughout the country, the polls on Tuesday must renew a third of the 100 seats of senators and the whole of the House of Representatives, which make up the Congress in Washington.

The state of New York, 20 million inhabitants, must return 26 representatives to the House, of which 19 incumbents are Democrats, but the Republicans could win nine seats, according to the New York Times and the site

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