Democrats ready to back Biden for a second term

(Philadelphia) It seemed until recently unlikely, but in the ranks of the Democratic Party meeting in Congress in Philadelphia, Joe Biden’s candidacy for a second term is now obvious.

“Are you ready for 2024? »

” Yes ! shouts the crowd.

The American president, who will speak at the end of the afternoon in a posh hotel, is expected at the convention in the spotlight.

“You must all be his apostles over the next two years,” pleaded before a panel Ken Martin, leader of the Minnesota Democratic Party.

Titanic investments in the country’s infrastructure, a defense of the working class and unionized jobs… “No president has done so much” for the country, says the politician bluntly.

To members of the Democratic Party, who have come from all over the country to prepare for the next presidential election, he urges: “We have to go out, promote all of this to the American people. »

80 years old, so what?

Swept away all doubts about the age of Joe Biden, who promised in 2020 to make his presidency a kind of “bridge”, which would pave the way for future generations. “I get told about it from time to time, but really less than you think,” says Ken Martin, as if to play down the burning question.

If re-elected, Joe Biden would be 86 at the end of his second term.

Pennsylvania local elected official Malcolm Kenyatta, nearly 50 years the president’s junior, added to AFP: “I would not allow myself to discriminate on his age as long as he defends a program that works. »

Now, the Democrats are united around the president, whose declaration of candidacy seems imminent.

Even members of the most progressive wing of the party, who were not stingy with criticism of the president’s social and climate program at the start of his mandate, fell into line.

“Don’t introduce yourself, Joe”

In Philadelphia, the cradle of American democracy, the most frontal opposition to Joe Biden’s candidacy therefore comes from outside: in freezing cold, a truck with a rather explicit message – “Do not introduce yourself, Joe” – circulates around the establishment hosting this convention.


“He’s a really weak candidate for 2024,” criticizes Sam Rosenthal, the activist behind this action. “Not progressive enough”, under investigation for the management of his personal archives: for this young person, met by AFP, no doubt, a new Joe Biden candidacy for the White House would not be “not viable” against a Republican.

But calls from his group, which is not affiliated with the president’s party, are coming up against a blue wall – the color of the Democrats.

Joe Biden, who had to face around fifteen candidates during the party’s last primaries in 2020, will obviously go it alone this time.

And is preparing to face in November 2024 the candidate chosen by the Republicans, who are struggling for the moment to agree.

“I think we are witnessing the last gasp of the Republican Party,” says Jamie Harrison, the chairman of the Democratic Party, overflowing with confidence. “So grab your vitamins, and get ready.” »

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