Demi Moore, Vincent Cassel, Donald Trump… The information to remember from May 20 on the Croisette

La Quinzaine is starting its second week with a bang with films that are likely to get people talking in the coming days, like “The Apprentice”, which traces the rise of young Donald Trump.

It’s the last straight line. The Cannes Film Festival began its last week of competition on Monday May 20 before the awards ceremony on Saturday. And if the competition seemed destined to Emilia Pérezby Jacques Audiard, body horror The Substance, by Coralie Fargeat with Demi Moore shattered some certainties. Especially since David Cronenberg presents The Shroud with Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger. Here’s what you need to remember from this day on the Croisette.

“The Substance” dynamites the Croisette

This is the feeling of this Cannes Film Festival so far. The film The Substance was presented on Sunday evening on the Croisette and it electrified critics and the public. This body horror by French director Coralie Fargeat with Demi Moore takes a gory and vitriolic look at the place of women in Hollywood.

A film which brings together all the assets to figure prominently among the contenders for the Best Director Award.

Demi Moore and “her little mouse”

With The Substance, the American actress is present for the first time in Cannes in official competition. “It’s an incredible experience”told the actress to France 3 Côte d’Azur.

She also took the opportunity to slip in a few words in French for her “little mouse”, the dog who accompanies him everywhere on the Croisette.

The standing ovations in question

It is often presented as a barometer of the quality of a film. The standing ovation is a classic of the Cannes Film Festival. At the end of each screening, it is watched by the film teams and its duration is timed. But is it synonymous with a great film and the Palme d’Or? Not so sure if we are to believe the film critics interviewed by France 3 Côte d’Azur.

So, Megalopolis was entitled to 7 minutes of standing ovation while Francis Ford Coppola’s film was trashed by the critics. At the same time, the favorite of the competition, Emilia Pérez was entitled to nine minutes…

A Palme d’Or for Studio Ghibli

Ghibli in the spotlight. The Japanese animation studio, which gave birth to legendary films like My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke Or Spirited away received an honorary Palme d’Or on Monday during a special ceremony.

A distinction of choice for Studio Ghibli which took the opportunity to unveil four mini-films including a sequel to My Neighbor Totoro.

Donald Trump is in Cannes

Well, not the real one. Directed by Ali Abbasi, Danish filmmaker of Iranian origin, The Apprentice looks at the early career of the American billionaire, played by Sebastian Stan, recently seen in the Marvel films as Winter Soldier.

This film chronicles the rise to power of young Donald Trump with the help of conservative lawyer and political matchmaker Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong.

Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger, from “Shroud” to the red carpet

Two years after Crimes of the Future, David Cronenberg returns to the Croisette with The Shroud. This film which focuses on mourning, with Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger in the cast, is “one of her most personal films”, according to the actress, interviewed in Numéro.

Outfits that from every angle

The red carpet is also the place where actresses or models showcase sublime but also sometimes extravagant outfits.

And if you haven’t been able to see them all, France 3 Côte d’Azur offers you a small selection of the most beautiful dresses from the first week.

A big announcement for ‘Desperate Housewives’ fans

Eva Longoria announced on Sunday evening, “a special reunion” of the casting of Desperate Housewives. The American actress made this announcement without giving further details regarding this event.

“This year, we’re celebrating 20 years of Desperate Housewives. So, we’ll be doing a special reunion, said Eva Longoria. It won’t be a spin-off.” A decision also motivated by her desire to return to a role that particularly marked her.

On Tuesday’s program

La Croisette will declare its love for one of the monuments of Italian cinema. Here is the program :

  • Christophe Honoré, presents in the official selection, Marcello Mio, where he imagines Chiara, the daughter, in the shoes of Marcello, the father. The cast includes, among others, Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, Fabrice Luchini and Hugh Skinner, for a unique story.
  • The Olympic flame makes a stop in Cannes. The torch will climb the red carpet in the hands of Paralympic athlete Arnaud Assoumani.

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