Delphine Wespiser (TPMP) cash on her relationship with Roger, her secrets about their history and her beginnings

26 years apart, that can make people talk. And Delphine Wespiser is probably not going to say the opposite. Indeed, the ex-Miss France and columnist of TPMP has been flowing happy players into Roger’s arms for a few years now. However, initially, no one really believed this story. Whether it’s her friends, her family, or herself. During his visit to the podcast tv womenshe returned to the beginnings of their story and their first flirtations, but also did not hesitate to be honest in her words and what she thought of her companion the first months of their relationship.

“It was difficult to take on”she admits straight away before adding: “We don’t choose when two soul mates meet, we don’t choose the age. So, yes, it may seem weird on paper. Even there when we say 26 years apart, I tell myself it’s abused but you see us together, there is no problem”. The columnist of TPMP ensure that if you “Have a lunch with us, we don’t see that anymore. I find it so interesting when souls connect, it goes beyond everything”. However, she would never have imagined that this story could see the light of day. Especially when she remembers the reaction of her friends and family when she confessed her feelings for the “boss of the box”.

Difficult to take

“Friends didn’t really take it well, they knew him because he’s the boss of a nightclub. Basically, we all went out there”reveals the one who posted a strange message about her couple a few days ago, without forgetting to specify that it was very difficult to hide her story: “They could see that at the end of the day I was going to drink more and more coffees with him. People asked me ‘what do you do with him all the time? (she laughs)”.

If she found comfort in the arms of Roger, and was filled with love even at their beginnings, Delphine Wespiser nevertheless took a long time to assume herself by his side. “For a really long time when we first started dating, I absolutely didn’t want it to be official”she admits before revealing an astonishing anecdote: “Even with him, I told him ‘we don’t really go out together’. I never shook hands with him. It took me a year to shake hands with him in public”. For the “boss of the box”, the situation must have been very complicated to live with. Especially since the columnist of TPMP held her hand in public “and when someone passed by, I let go of their hand. It’s hurtful for the person. We say to ourselves ‘if we love each other, have the courage to make it official'”.

See also: Delphine Wespiser: This publication which risks pissing off Matthieu Delormeau?


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