Delphine Wespiser soon married to Roger? This answer given in TPMP by the columnist risks disappointing her companion!

Before diving into Do not touch My TV on C8Cyril Hanouna took the helm of the 6 to 7. Benjamin Castaldi gave way to Baba who started with the mood of the columnists. If Valérie Benaïm returned to the team, he first approached Raymond Aabou then Danielle Moreau before moving on to Gilles Verdez and Delphine Wespiser. The host asked her outright if she planned to marry her companion, Roger Erhart. “Maybe someday”replied the former beauty queen. “I’m not necessarily for marriage because couples who go well as soon as they decide to get married, there is something that breaks”she explained before comparing her man to a “rough diamond”. “I think we are fine like that and that we are not going to modify”.

If she intends to invite Cyril Hanouna and all his colleagues, for Matthieu Delormeau, it is not on…

Reports “several times a day”

In a relationship since 2015, the Alsatian and her darling experienced a complicated period at the end of 2021 which they managed to overcome in part thanks to a trip to the Dominican Republic, in January 2022. Since then, happiness has invaded the couple. The ex-Miss does not hesitate to talk about their intimacy on the set of TPMP. When Cyril Hanouna wanted to know the frequency of Delphine Wespiser’s sexual intercourse, the latter did not hesitate for long. “No, concretely, the numbers bother me. I can talk about a lot of things but not the numbers. It’s too factual”, explained the darling of Roger Erhart. Finally pushed by her comrades, the 30-year-old young woman agreed to say more. “I’m not only there three a week and then it depends on the weeks (…) it depends if we go on vacation, if we go to the hotel”.

Matthieu Delormeau had asked him what a “good week”. “A good week is several times a day”replied the former Miss France. “It depends on the context.”

See also: On Instagram, Delphine Wespiser reveals an XXL neckline

Frederic Faussurier

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