Delphine Wespiser shattered on Twitter for the premiere of “Viens on s aime”!

You can’t please everyone, and Delphine Wespiser is probably the best person to know that. Indeed, the ex-Miss France who officiates for a while on TPMP, unfortunately used to be the target of criticism. Especially when she speaks in the daily life of C8 to give his opinion. An opinion which is not always unanimous but which it fully assumes.

A few months ago, for example, she received the wrath of Internet users for her comments about Marine Le Pen. The columnist of TPMP indeed released on April 13: “I would like to have a female president, I would like a mother of the French, someone who brings people together, who protects, with a woman’s sensitivity”. But by making this statement, Roger’s companion was accused of supporting the candidate of the National Rally. Two months after this release, she assured Current wife regret nothing.

“It’s really bad”

“I regret neither the content nor the form. On the other hand, I regret the way in which the press wanted to cut, amplify, move the words, the sentences, the attentions that I said to create buzz, so that I become the symbol of an opposition that is impossible today in France. I have become the head to be cut off”, she assumes. But will she also take on the criticism of her show? Come let’s love each other ?

Indeed, this Thursday, June 30, C8 broadcast the premiere of the program in which couples stage their crazy marriage proposals. If some twittos appreciated the concept, others did not hesitate to tackle Delphine Wespiser’s program. “This sketch is badly played it ruins everything, it’s a shame…”, “the show is a challenge tonight”, “uh… what’s that?”, “it’s really bad, even the trapped girl doesn’t believe it”dropped those who were not convinced who found that most marriage proposals were actually made up from scratch.

See also: Delphine Wespiser: This publication which risks pissing off Matthieu Delormeau?


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