Delphine Wespiser puts her grin of salt!

Very unstable climate a few weeks before the Miss France election which will take place on December 17th. Indeed, between Sylvie Tellier who will give way to Cindy Fabre, Miss France 2005 and Alexia Laroche-Joubert, the cloth is burning!

During a press conference organized before the departure for Guadeloupe in the company of the 30 contenders for the succession of Diane Leyre, tensions appeared in front of the journalists. “I made the choice to leave Miss France. Alexia resumes my duties, she does not like me to say it, so I like to say it. I will remain a Miss France all my life”dropped the ex-beauty queen. “Sylvie worked on the Miss France organization, she never worked on the show, she never produced it”, replied the 52-year-old producer. Words that displeased the mother of Margaux and Oscar. “Excuse me? Me? I didn’t work on that show? I can’t let you say that. I worked on that show for 17 years!”

And what does Delphine think of it?

On the set of TPMPFriday, December 2, Delphine Wespiser gave her opinion on this clash between the two women. “I’ll tell you what I think”she began. “Sylvie, she has a bit of the Geneviève de Fontenay syndrome. That is to say, she thought she was leaving, but in fact it’s her life, and so it hurts a lot. When Sylvie arrived, for years , we told him about Geneviève de Fontenay, because the old is always better than the present”she added. “I think Cindy (Fabre) will have, for the next three or four years, this lack of legitimacy.” The young woman of 30 years took the opportunity to make a revelation concerning the position that will recover Miss France 2005. “I’m very much a schoolteacher, and I would have loved to do it!”she confessed.

To see also: “It was too hard”: Delphine Wespiser (TPMP) balances an indecent remark that a member of the Miss France committee threw at her!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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