Delphine Wespiser bisexual? Its very cash declaration in TPMP!

The band of “Touche pas à mon poste” was in good shape on Tuesday, October 26, 2021! To start his show, Cyril Hanouna decided to discuss with his columnists, and in particular about their private life. While Valérie Benaim confided that she would celebrate her nine years of relationship with her companion Patoche tomorrow, Louis Boyard has poured out his relationship with a young stranger who has lasted for two years. For her part, Kelly Vedovelli made a very naughty confidence about Benjamin Castaldi’s wife, Aurore.

“The wife of Benjamin Castaldi has magnificent breasts,” revealed Kelly Vedovelli. A statement that greatly surprised the rest of the “Do not touch my post” team. “How do you know that?” Asked Geraldine Maillet. “Because I saw her naked!”, Replied Kelly Vedovelli spontaneously without giving more details. Another subject mentioned by Cyril Hanouna: the love life of Delphine Wespiser.

“I will go to a woman”

While the former Miss France has some success with her colleague Guillaume Genton, the pretty brunette recalls quite regularly that she is in a relationship with a man named Roger. His companion has also made several appearances in the show of C8. The latest, it was to reframe Guillaume Genton live on TV while the latter connects the compliments to Delphine Wespiser.

This Tuesday, October 26, 2021, the columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” made a very cash confidence about her sexuality! “If I am no longer in a relationship with Roger, I will go to a woman,” said Delphine Wespiser who had never spoken of her bisexuality before. New proof that Guillaume Genton will have a hard time seducing the former beauty queen. Even if he does not lose hope!


See also: TPMP: Delphine Wespiser firmly cropped by Kelly Vedovelli after her assault!

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