Delphine Wespiser balances on the ordeal of Miss and the death of Miss USA

On January 31, the week started on the wrong foot for the world of Misses. Indeed, Cheslie Kryst alias Miss USA 2019 was found dead at the foot of her building in New York where she lived on the 29th floor. “Her light was one that inspires others around the world, as was her beauty and strength,” announced the family of the latter through a press release. According to the first elements, the young woman would have committed suicide by jumping from her building and even left a note on her laptop.

Many French beauty queens have paid tribute to her such as Diane Leyre, Amandine Petit or Iris Mittenaere. In a recent interview with People, his mother spoke about this drama and swung: “In her private life, she suffered from high-level depression which she hid from everyone – including me, her closest confidante – until very shortly before her death.”

Cyril Hanouna chose to deal with this subject in Touche pas à mon poste this Thursday, February 3, 2022. The columnists were all able to give their opinion. Delphine Wespiser being herself a former Miss France 2012 had a different point of view on this subject. Indeed, she revealed the darker underside of this prestigious status which makes more than one dream of it. “What you have to understand when you are Miss… People see that you are in the media, that you have money and that you have the good life. In fact, in a single life, you have two lives. We have our private life to keep and this public life where we must always be on top”she confided at first.

But the columnist of Cyril Hanouna did not stop there since she also mentioned one of the disadvantages of this environment. “People’s gaze is also complicated because they think they are seeing a person, but in private life we ​​are completely different” she added. Delphine Wespiser then concluded with words dedicated to the former Miss USA and said: “That’s what the mother of Miss USA says. She was a very sunny and very smiling young woman but in her private life she was a very anxious woman. What I mean is that we have two lives to manage and it is sometimes difficult”.

See also: Delphine Wespiser cropped by Cyril Hanouna after her vacation with her man: “It’s not Club Med!”


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