Delphine Wespiser and Roger: their nightmarish vacation where they thought they were dying

The season of Do not touch My TV recently ended. But every evening of the week, the public can find Benjamin Castaldi at the controls of TPMP, even in summer. And the columnists are always inclined to reveal some details of their private life. The opportunity to discover that Delphine Wespiser spent a nightmarish vacation in Hawaii.

It is with her companion Roger, with whom she would like to have a baby, that Miss France 2012 flew to this dream destination. If they thought they were enjoying the sea quietly, the couple had a big fright as told by Delphine Wespiser during the broadcast of June 30, 2022. Their misadventure took place three years ago, during a trip to Honolulu. While on a boat to see the dolphins, the skipper received many calls. “We see that it begins to turn white“, clarified the young woman of 30 years. Her dear and tender and so she went to see him to understand what was going on. ‘He doesn’t want to tell us too much. Then he tells other people what’s going on. And all the couples on the boat start crying“, continued the former beauty queen.

More and more worried, Roger and Delphine Wespiser tried to understand. “There’s a missile alert, we really all need to get home. Everyone starts calling their parents crying. I didn’t have 4G so I asked for someone’s cell phone. And she wouldn’t give it to me“, she recalled. Once they arrived at the port, the passengers found that there were plenty of electronic signs on which it was marked “missile alert, go home hide in the cellars“.

More fear than harm in the end. It was just a “guy in North Korea who pressed the wrong button. So a false alarm. If Benjamin Castaldi had trouble believing it, the story is nevertheless very real.

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