Delphine Wespiser and Roger soon to be parents and married? She lifts the veil on their romantic future

This Thursday, June 30, 2022, C8 kicks off the show Come let’s love each otherpresented by Delphine Wespiser. For the occasion, Miss France 2012 confided in her new project to Current wife but also agreed to discuss his private life.

Delphine Wespiser is launching a new challenge. For the first time, she is in charge of her show. A program in which marriage proposals are honored. The columnist of Do not touch My TV (C8) therefore did not escape questions on the subject. After having entrusted Current wife that her companion Roger (since 2015) was proud of her and gave her confidence, the 30-year-old said: “I know he loves me, he respects me. I can be completely serene to work, to evolve. It is also important to be able to trust the other.” If the weddings were at the heart of his professional activity, the subject does not arise for the moment in his couple. “We still have a lot of things to experience together before that stage! It’s not an idea that’s been in my head. One day, maybe, but not right away“, she assured.

For the time being, it is also not expected that Delphine Wespiser and Roger will become parents.. She knows that one day they will because”transmission, creating a family, it’s important“, but before that, the lovebirds still want to live a lot of beautiful things together. Thanks to her dear and tender, she has also evolved a lot personally. He is a very positive man who brings him sunshine in his life. And he gave him a taste for sports or decoration. “All the projects I do today, I dare to do them because it gives me that strength“, she clarified.

Even if she does not care when will we say, Delphine Wespiser is sometimes tired that her age difference with Roger, who is 26 years older than her, is mentioned in the media. “There are times when it annoys me, times when it hurts me too. But I’m happy because the public has made us one of the standard-bearers of this absolute love. (…) So yes, to create a family, it’s complicated when you have an age gap. But what I answer them every time is: be happy!“, she concluded.

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