Delphine (Love is in the meadow) in a relationship with Ghislaine and first disappointment …

In the new episode of Love is in the meadow, it was the turn of Ghislaine to receive the woman of his dreams, Delphine, almost a month after the stay on the farm. The farmer put down her luggage in Compiègne to find her and, as soon as she arrived, she was entitled to a nice surprise.

Ghislaine has indeed played the mystery card by arranging to meet Delphine in a first secret place, namely an aerodrome where the two women were able to get laid! Indeed, the contender had booked a plane ride just for them to discover the heights of her city. And the surprises did not stop there since after a quick little trip to Ghislaine’s, they had left for an outing, on horseback this time! The day then ended with a nice aperitif in the company of Ghislaine’s relatives, just to formalize their relationship.

As usual, Ghislaine did not fail to compliment her beauty and to send her declarations of love. Attention that sometimes frightened Delphine, who is much more reserved and fears that her sweetheart will get carried away a little too quickly. Eager to please her at all costs, “Gigi” however forgot that this weekend was dedicated to romantic reunions. Thus, it was with a touch of disappointment that Delphine got used to the presence of her beauty’s many friends, whether it was during a new bike ride or during a motorbike outing. “Me who dreamed of being with Gigi, and well we were 50“, regretted Delphine.

The farmer decides despite everything to always believe in her relationship with Ghislaine and even decided to extend her weekend, asking on the other hand that they only meet two for the future!

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