Delphine Jubillar: Did someone close to Cédric help him hide the body?

Suspected of having asked one of his former co-inmates at Seysses prison to move the body of Delphine Jubillar who would be buried in the town of Cagnac-Les-Mines, Cédric would also have confided in him strange secrets. Indeed, the painter-plasterer would have admitted to having been helped by two relatives to transport the corpse of his wife between their home and a farm located two kilometers from their home.

According to The Parisian, “One of them would have even helped him to transport and bury the body of Delphine during the fateful night of December 15 to 16, 2020. Another allegedly provided him with logistical help by making a vehicle available to carry out this macabre transport.“. The former co-detainee who received these confidences would have added that Cédric would have spoken of a”white car“to move his wife’s body.

Following the statements of the former co-detainee of Cédric Jubillar, the two suspected of having helped the painter-plasterer to bury Delphine were quickly arrested on December 15, 2020. For lack of evidence, they were released at the end of their hearings and no charge weighs on them at the moment. The investigators nevertheless kept their vehicles in order to analyze them and find possible traces of the body of the nurse of Albi. The gendarmes hope to find a clue that will allow them to finally find Delphine, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-Les-Mines.

As a reminder, Cédric Jubillar remains the number one suspect in this case and has been imprisoned in Seysses prison since June 2021 for “homicide on a spouse”. He was recently charged with murder by another inmate who was also held in the same prison. Placed in solitary confinement, he would nevertheless have managed to get in touch with this man with a heavy criminal record.

However, since his incarceration, Louis and Elyah’s dad has never stopped proclaiming his innocence and ensures that he has no link in the disappearance of his wife. His girlfriend Séverine was arrested on December 15, 2021 and taken into police custody for “concealing a corpse”. Suspected of having seen Delphine’s corpse and of knowing where she is, she was finally detained 38 hours, out of the legal 48 hours, for lack of evidence.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of this case.

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