Delphine Jubillar: Cédric cash on their sexual relations before his disappearance

Justice is taking a close interest in the relationship between Delphine Jubillar and her husband Cédric, the latter being the number 1 suspect in the disappearance of the nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines, which occurred on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. If for the prosecution it has become undeniable that the testimonies of the relatives of the young woman and mother of two children are overwhelming for the painter-plasterer, the investigation must provide irrefutable evidence in this case without a body or a crime scene. It is in this context that the investigating judges requested a psychiatric expertise of this man, carried out in the Seysses prison establishment near Toulouse where he has been imprisoned in pre-trial detention since June 2021. It sheds light on his complex personality and The Parisian reveals some disturbing passages.

Through his two interviews which took place in July and October 2021, a striking and disturbing portrait of Cédric Jubillar is emerging. Addressing particularly intimate subjects, with disconcerting ease, he never pronounces the name of his wife, with whom he was in divorce proceedings. Thus, he explains that their relationship had deteriorated sharply, giving details of the number of sexual relations they had in the last months before his disappearance: “We had three sexual relations between September and December, one for my birthday, once on my initiative, another time she wanted to, we did it.“Admitting that he saw his wife turn away from him, he claims to have tried to win her back but:”I ran into a wall… I got a lawyer.

From the point of view of her family and her friends, the detachment of Delphine Jubillar is not in doubt either, she was clearly suffering from her couple. However, each person points out that the 30-year-old faced a man with difficult behavior: aggressive and humiliating. She also lived in a house that her husband, a craftsman, had wanted to build but whose external condition suggested that it was abandoned. During the summer of 2020, she showed more than ever that she wanted to get out of this unsatisfactory condition, met a man via a dating app and made plans with him. Then will come the night when, after an argument observed by their eldest son, the nurse gave no sign of life, having disappeared without her coat in the middle of winter, nor her telephone.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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