Delphine Jubillar case: Her body hidden in a cemetery? Suspicious graves…

A new lead in the search for the body of Delphine Jubillar, not found for 18 months, has just been publicized: the cemetery of Dalmaze. Indeed, after the words of a friend of the deceased nurse in an article by Release, the spotlight is on this place in which the victim could have been hidden. A place that is particularly complicated to search…

In Release, Delphine’s friend, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, says she met Cédric Jubillar in March 2021, near the Saint-Dalmaze cemetery near Cagnac-les-Mines. His interview with the one who will then be imprisoned and remanded in custody for spousal homicide explains to him that he knows the graves well: “There is a grave he asks me to help open. He opened the drawer of a grave and started laughing, and he said: ‘Fuck, thank you, now there are your prints with mine’, and he laughs.” Since that day, she continues to search in Dalmaze.

In the report of The Midi Dispatch on the citizen excavations organized regularly to find a trace of Delphine, Eric, archaeologist in Béziers, is also very interested in this cemetery. “In particular, he mapped all the graves in the Saint-Dalmaze cemetery, which is of great interest to investigators. He extracted a thick file from it, where all the “suspicious” graves are listed, those where Cédric Jubillar could have hidden the remains of his companion.“If her work excites someone close to the missing nurse, she must recognize:”But we are not going to open the graves.”

Indeed, according to a source familiar with the matter who confided in Release“iThere is nothing more difficult to search than graves. If it has to come to this, it will only be a last resort.“… In The Parisian, another source explained that it will probably be necessary to proceed in stages and first limit this research to the vaults which seem to have been the subject of fairly recent manipulations. Legally, nothing stands in the way of a large-scale search of the cemetery, according to former magistrate Régis Cayrol. However, he states:Going to dig in a cemetery is quite rare. But there are no particular constraints in my opinion. Precautions must be taken.”

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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