Delphine Depardieu admits that her famous surname “closed doors” to her

Since last September 21, Delphine Depardieu has been featured in the humorous piece The importance of being constant, written by Oscar Wilde. Gérard Depardieu’s niece notably gives the reply to Evelyne Buyle, Arnaud Denis and Olivier Sitruk at the Hebertot theater in the 17th arrondissement of Paris.

The 42-year-old actress has a solid CV in the theater world, an environment where she has made a name for herself. “I have more connections (…) I am no longer just a Depardieu, I made a name for myself. I no longer need to justify my right to be here, I feel legitimate . Even if my initial dream was to make cinema, image in any case. But I did not say my last word … The desire is still there! “, she confessed to our colleagues France Sunday. And if it bears the name of a sacred monster of French cinema, Delphine Depardieu has encountered difficulties during her career. “It is a magical name, which exceeds as much as it fascinates!“, she conceded. “He closed me (doors), but also opened a lot (…) Let’s say that thanks to him, I am taken on the phone, while my friends are sent to the roses “.

If Guillaume’s cousin found herself on the bill for two other plays, Badine and La Mégère apprivoisée spoke about her universe. who is “super hard” (because of the many refusals that it can endure), with “a lot of injustices”. a “negative side of the job” which she manages to put aside thanks to other activities and to her son Jacques. “I did not know it until I had it, me who was not really connected as a child until then, but when I gave birth, feathers pushed me …”

What are his relations with the other members of the Depardieu family? She “crosses from time to time” his famous uncle. If she sees little Julie, she has more contact with “Roxane, Gérard’s last daughter (…) and also with Louise, Guillaume’s daughter”.

Saturday, December 4, she was in the play Girls in needles broadcast on Paris Premiere.

See also: Gérard Depardieu: no longer supporting their resemblance, his daughter underwent cosmetic surgery


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