Delphine Delannoy is elected mayor of Roye in the first round

The suspense was short-lived at the town hall of Roye since Delphine Delannoy won in the first round with 53.6% of the vote, ahead of the former mayor Pascal Delnef and his 30.3% of the vote.

A victory for the slingers

There is therefore no need for a second round, the former finance assistant, Delphine Delannoy, becomes mayor of Roye.

She who had been part of the resigners of June 2022 when 18 municipal councilors, including 6 deputies, left their posts, which led to the organization of these early municipal elections.

Jean-Luc Villet, municipal councilor of various left opposition, comes in third position with 16.1%.

However, abstention is very high, reaching 48.5%.

source site-38