Delos, a soon-to-be-submerged treasure?




Article written by

A. Mikoczy, C. Napoli, V. Parent – France 2

France Televisions

The island of Delos (Greece) is threatened by the rise of the Mediterranean. The sea level is getting higher and higher. Historical monuments could soon disappear.

To visit Delos (Greece) in 20 years, you will probably need a wetsuit and flippers. The Greek island dedicated to Apollo is gradually disappearing under the Mediterranean. The ancient port district has already changed. In winter, with each storm, the sea submerges part of the city, as well as a piece of Mykonos. In a century, the average level of the Mediterranean has risen from 50 centimeters to 1.50 meters depending on the location. A large part of the monuments of Delos is now at zero altitude.

Archaeologists are trying to set aside the most valuable marble pieces. Every day, thousands of tourists disembark and few realize that they are the last generation to be able to visit this island classified as a World Heritage Site on dry feet. One of the possibilities considered would be to close the site to all public and to bury the sanctuaries under tons of earth while waiting for the Mediterranean to descend again in a few centuries. With these thousands of islands, Greece is on the front line in the face of global warming. The authorities chose Delos to symbolize the rise of the Mediterranean.

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