delivery of long-range missiles ‘would not change course of events’, warns Russia

What there is to know

The Kremlin displays its determination. The potential delivery of longer-range missiles to Ukraine by the United States “would involve additional efforts” for Russia, but “will not change the course of events”said on Wednesday February 1, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “L‘special military operation will continue’he assured, estimating that missile supplies with a range of 150 km would lead “toward an escalation of tensions”. Follow our live.

A Russian journalist in exile sentenced. Russian journalist and former MP Alexander Nevzorov was sentenced in absentia on Tuesday to eight years in prison for allegedly broadcasting “fake news” on the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine. Exiled abroad, this critical voice of power animates a YouTube channel followed by nearly two million subscribers.

Norway denies profiting from the war. Ever richer thanks to gas revenues multiplied by the conflict in Ukraine, Norway is not a “war profiteer”, defended Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. His government is soon to present a “multi-annual aid package” for the benefit of Ukraine and the poor countries affected by the fallout from the war.

A Ukraine-EU summit in Kyiv on Friday. Prime Minister Denys Chmygal confirmed on Tuesday the holding of a Ukraine-European Union summit on Friday in kyiv. The day before, these are “intergovernmental consultations” between Kyiv and the European Commission which will take place “for the first time in our history”, he recalled. Two appointments which should allow “Europe to believe in the victory of Ukraine”all in “supporting our rapid movement towards EU membership”.

Soon Israeli aid to Ukraine? Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that his country was “considering the matter” military aid for Ukraine. He is silent has so far refrained from taking a firm stand, anxious to spare Russia, which controls the airspace of Syria neighboring Israel. He also offered as a mediator in the conflict between kyiv and Moscow.

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