Delivery couriers worried about the National Rally coming to power

This Sunday, the second round of the legislative elections will deliver its verdict. Couriers, often undocumented and working for fast delivery platforms, fear the victory of the National Rally.

Precariousness, more difficult working conditions or even fear of being deported. There is no shortage of reasons for concern for couriers on fast food and grocery delivery platforms if the National Rally comes to power. At a time when more than 80% of them are in an irregular situation, the prospect of a far-right government worries them deeply.

I arrived from Ivory Coast in 2020 and I have been regularized for two years. But it is rare because 80% of delivery people are in an irregular situation“. Issouf, 47, fears the worst for his colleagues.”If the RN passes, police checks will be reinforced. Those who are irregular cannot be self-employed. They therefore work on the account of a family member or a friend to whom they pay a sum at the end of the week. If the police realize this, they could expel them.

Issouf experienced the fear of constant control during his first years in France.I arrived in Paris after crossing the Mediterranean in 2020. I started delivering on a relative’s account to support my wife and two children. I stayed on my friend’s account for two years before getting my papers. It’s a stressful situation” he recalls.

Although his administrative situation has been regularized, his working conditions remain difficult.We don’t count our hours, but we are underpaid. Sometimes 1 euro per kilometer“With the rise of the RN, he also fears that his relationship with customers will change.”We see that this party carries racist ideas and a policy against foreigners. If they come to power, many people who think like them will insult us without feeling worried. It’s already starting. Some customers look at us sideways and we are subjected to racist insults.“, says Issouf. A concern shared by Circé Lienard, coordinator of the Maison des Coursiers, a space dedicated to delivery people in the 18thth borough.

We are seeing more and more people making racist remarks to delivery people, many of whom come from West Africa. This is visible among customers but also among restaurant owners. Some even refuse delivery people access to their restaurants..”

According to her, since the dissolution of the National Assembly, many delivery people “are wondering about their future, asking us a lot of questions and are anxious.” She explains that some fear “lose their residence permit or their children may have more difficulty acquiring French nationality.”

For his part, Issouf fears that his job will become even more precarious.You have to know that customers have real power because they rate delivery people. When the rating is too low, the platform can decide to close the account. If a political party that constantly stigmatizes foreigners comes to power, we risk seeing more and more people give bad ratings simply out of racism. They will feel legitimate in their ideas and that is very dangerous.

For Amadou, another delivery man in the Paris region, the situation of his profession is getting worse every year.Of course we are very afraid of the RN but we have been mistreated by the government for seven years now. For example, the fact that we are not recognized among the professions in tension in the Immigration law gives us very little protection against expulsions..”

For several years, delivery people have been unionizing and organizing to obtain better working conditions.We are taking legal action against the platforms and we must continue to defend ourselves, especially in a period like this where our rights as irregular workers will be threatened if the RN governs.”

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