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As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia enters its third week, a maternity hospital in Kiev (Ukraine) continues to give birth to children, between two warning sirens.
A doctor and director of a maternity ward in Kiev (Ukraine) is organizing resistance in her establishment. Since the start of the war, she has not left the maternity ward to help her patients. “We can operate in complete safety, there is even an emergency exit to access a protected area” she explains in an operating room.
Among the patients are Svetlana, who is at risk of giving birth prematurely due to the stress caused by the war in her country. “It’s hard to find the words to explain something inhuman“, worries the mother-to-be. An emergency caesarean section takes place in the operating room, it’s a boy. This birth particularly moves the team, the day after the bombardment of a maternity hospital in Mariupol. At night, the patients take refuge in the basement of the maternity ward, where some had to give birth.All want to leave Ukraine for the safety of their children.