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While Emmanuel Macron meets, on the morning of Friday, September 2, a Defense Council devoted to energy, the journalist Guillaume Daretpresent on the board from 8 Hours, returns to the political meaning of the choice of this format by the President of the Republic.
Emmanuel Macron meets, on the morning of Friday, September 2, a Defense Council devoted to energy. “The choice of this format is no coincidence, because the Defense Council, at the beginning, it was military, strategic, intelligence issues. And then, it punctuated the entire period of the crisis of Covid-19. Using it in this area of energy is a symbolic way of showing that it will be a long-term fight for the government, for the head of state, for the whole country”analyzes the journalist Guillaume Daretpresent on the board from 8 hours.
The objective of this Defense Council is also “to alert the French to the seriousness of the situation, send an electric shock. ‘The French must understand that this is going to be the emergency that will crush everything in the coming months’, this is what a minister told me yesterday. It is also an opportunity for Emmanuel Macron to slip back into the clothes of the president of crisis, which has been quite successful in public opinion”continues the journalist, who specifies that this Defense Council is “highly criticized by the opposition, who denounce a lack of transparency”.