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The trial for the rape of Sarah, 11, was held Friday, November 4 at the court of Pontoise, in Val-d’Oise. The defendant was found guilty of raping the girl. Journalist Emmanuelle Lagarde is on site and takes stock of the situation.
For the magistrates of the judicial court of Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), there is no doubt, Friday, November 4: the 28-year-old accused did indeed rape Sarah, 11 years old. “By this age difference alone, he exerted a moral constraint that prevented the victim from opposing the sexual acts that were imposed on him”explains the journalist Emmanuelle Lagarde, in duplex for the 19/20 of the judicial court.
The court recognizes the precocious puberty of the victim, but according to all the experts, it was necessary to discuss with her only a few minutes to realize that she was only 11 years old. “The attacker is sentenced to eight years in prison for rape. We are very far from the simple sexual attack, which had initially been retained in the first investigation, because Sarah, the victim, had not expressed any explicit opposition”, adds the journalist. This case changes the law. From now on, any minor under the age of 15 cannot be considered as consenting to a sexual relationship with an adult.