Defections from the RN to Eric Zemmour, crisis in Ukraine, campaign financing … Thierry Mariani’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Thierry Mariani, MEP for the National Rally and regional councilor in PACA, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Saturday January 29, 2022. He answered questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

“Today I stay with Marine Le Pen”, says the MEP

After the rallying of several RN executives to Eric Zemmour and the words of Marion Maréchal, tempted to join the candidate of Reconquest!, Thierry Mariani does not intend, for the moment, to leave the camp of the RN candidate. “I think it’s the only one who is in a position to win in the candidates who defend national ideas“, he added.

Crisis in Ukraine: “I don’t believe in war”

Like Marine Le Pen, I think that we must have balanced relations as in the time of General De Gaulle, between the United States, which is our best ally, and Russia, which is an essential European state.“, explained the MEP, reputed to be close to Russian power.

We are shown a scenario by telling us ‘the war is coming’“, he denounced. “They are menœworks that will remain manœworks“, he assured in the face of the movements of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border and the potential arrival of French troops in Romania.

Campaign finance: “At one point, we wondered if democracy was going to be confiscated”

It is not normal that candidates like Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen, who are established and who without risk will exceed 5%, do not have the means to campaign“, he said, while the RN candidate has just obtained a loan of 10 million euros from a European bank.

Everything political becomes radioactive for the banks“, said Thierry Mariani, denouncing his personal treatment and a “a priori“banking institutions.

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