Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

The fate of the deer in Michel-Chartrand Park in Longueuil is arousing passions, to say the least. While some feed them, others are exasperated by their presence.

• Read also: Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville: exasperated by hungry deer

• Read also: Slaughter of Longueuil deer: the SPCA confirms that it will appeal

Every two days since February, René Grignon has been going to Michel-Chartrand Park with a 30-pound bag of deer feed.

René Grignon, a citizen of Longueuil, feeds white-tailed deer (roe deer) in Michel-Chartrand Park to help them, in Longueuil, on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Joël Lemay / Agence QMI

Joel Lemay / QMI Agency

René Grignon, a citizen of Longueuil, feeds white-tailed deer (roe deer) in Michel-Chartrand Park to help them, in Longueuil, on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Joël Lemay / Agence QMI

He began to follow the file during the pandemic, when Sylvie Parent, who then held the position of mayor, announced their slaughter. A friend had offered to accompany him to see the deer.

“It’s like moving forward in a swimming pool. You go there little by little, and you end up realizing that you are involved up to the neck, ”illustrated Mr. Grignon.

By force, he became attached to them, going so far as to give them names. During our visit, which took place earlier than usual, only Peewit showed up.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

Mr. Grignon is not the only one to feed them on a regular basis. Two other citizens, to whom we also spoke, do so on a regular basis, at two other strategic locations in the park.

However, article 6 of the by-law of the City on the control of animals stipulates that it is forbidden to feed an animal “indigenous to the territory of Quebec”. Offenders are liable to a fine of $100 for a first offence, and $200 for a repeat offence.

Marc Beaulieu, who has been going there every day for four years, had also received one last March. Despite everything, he pursues the mission he has given himself.

“By doing this, the deer are healthy, they are not all skinny. And they no longer cross the street to go and eat the cedar hedges and the flowerbeds of the people nearby,” he said.

However, in practice, it does not seem to have this effect. In 2020, the Longueuil agglomeration police service (SPAL) received 46 calls for collisions with a deer in the area, and 43 during the year 2021. In its mid-year report for 2022, it listed 18 between the months of January and June.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

“This excludes collisions not reported to 911. So the numbers are definitely higher,” we were told.


After announcing the city’s decision to shoot deer in November 2020, former mayor Sylvie Parent had received several death threats, for which three individuals had been arrested. The polarization of the case, however, made him back down.

Catherine Fournier, who succeeded her as mayor, also received threats, after she decided to go ahead with their slaughter.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

“Threats are unacceptable. Me, I love my mayor outside of that. It’s just that problem with her. When I met her, she is a charming woman,” denounced Mr. Grignon.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

He himself, who spoke publicly in favor of the deer, received a threatening letter at home, as well as a call to that effect.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

“I can’t wait for it to be over. I don’t enjoy doing that. We make enemies in the city. But I feel like I’m doing something good,” he said.


During our visit to the vicinity of the park, the opinions were rather mixed.

On rue Gendron, a retaining wall protects the properties from a drop in the height of neighboring land.

“The deer jump in our house, but by dint of doing so, with their hooves, they bring down the low walls. We’ve repaired it at our expense for at least five times. Each time, it’s $5,000 to $6,000 in expenses,” said Line*.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

His car was also badly damaged in August 2021, when a deer jumped from the driver’s side.

“When you live near the metro in Longueuil and you go to the park, it’s sure that you find them beautiful, because afterwards, you take your car to go back, without knowing the devastation that it causes. When you live around, it’s a different pair of sleeves, ”she exasperated.

Living at the corner of boulevard Fernand-Lafontaine, Josée Girard is not disturbed by their presence. “Of course we often see them dead on the road. At least once a month,” she noted.

An estimate that is even below reality, according to figures from SPAL.

The City of Longueuil declined our interview request.

A slaughter necessary

For Martin Leclerc, a researcher at Laval University who is interested in the effects of human activity on wildlife, killing deer is the best solution.

“From an ecosystem point of view, a high deer density will cause several problems. It will eat up all the forest regeneration and at some point we will have a break in the canopy. If we want to have a forest in 15-20-30 years, we must act immediately,” he popularized.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

In his eyes, their relocation would have very little benefit compared to the disadvantages, explaining that their mortality rate is often high in the first year, not to mention the spread of disease.

However, dialogue with deer defenders is necessary, according to him.

“It is a legitimate reaction that must be heard. We must succeed in building bridges and discussing with them in order to be able to take actions that will lead to a stabilization of the ecosystem and an increase in biodiversity, ”he said.

A long saga

According to the City, more than a hundred deer are present in Michel-Chartrand Park. However, the park’s ecosystem could only support about a dozen.

Upon her arrival in office, Mayor Catherine Fournier announced that she would proceed with the slaughter of part of the herd to normalize the situation.

Deers of Longueuil: between wonder and inconvenience

Last July, after several twists and turns, the City decided to set up a controlled crossbow hunt, for which it obtained the necessary permits from the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFPP).

Defenders, however, have asked for a remedy in the courts to prevent their execution. Last Tuesday, the Superior Court finally rejected the request for a stay. However, the SPCA intends to appeal the decision.

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