deep concern around the spread of the Omicron variant around the world



Article written by

A.Lay, L. Bazizin, L. Feueuillebois – France 2

France Televisions

The variant of Covid-19 called Omicron attracts all the attention of scientists around the world and especially laboratories, who want to know if their vaccines will be able to cope. In France, On Saturday, November 27, the Minister of Health announced that anyone positive for the new variant should be isolated, even if they are vaccinated.

Caught up in fear of the Omicron variant, Europe is closing itself off to southern Africa. In the hall of an airport located in Amsterdam (Netherlands), passengers from South Africa were exhausted, Friday, November 26. They all had to wait long hours when they arrived to get a PCR test.

61 passengers tested positive for the virus and quarantined in a hotel near the airport. The Dutch authorities are now investigating the possible presence of the variant. This new strain was first detected Thursday, November 25 in South Africa: 22 people are officially infected. Since then, the variant has been detected in three countries ofEurope: in Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom. In France, for the time being, this variant has not been reported, but the health authorities are preparing for it.

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