Deemed “toxic” and “unbearable” by Internet users, Valentin Léonard (“Beijing Express”) is self-destructing!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022, began the new season of Beijing Express. For this somewhat special edition, M6 has decided to invite celebrities to take part in the experience. The opportunity to discover the wanderings of Yoann Riou, Rachel Legrain-Trapani, his companion Valentin Léonard, Valérie Trierweiler and his friend Karine but also Inès Reg. And to everyone’s surprise, it was not accompanied by her companion Kevin that the comedian set off on the roads of Sri Lanka. “Ah, but I do not recommend this to all couples! The most frequent fights in a couple are in the car and this is the very essence of Beijing Express“, she confided to Télé Loisirs. “Every time I saw Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentin Léonard, I thought: ‘Fortunately I didn’t do it with Kevin!‘” And after the broadcast yesterday of the first episode, it is easy to understand what the young woman meant.

Impatient, angry and temperamental, the model was particularly obnoxious with the former Miss France during the first hectometres of the competition. A behavior that has not escaped the viewers. “Unbearable on Valentin, really”, ‘He is undrinkable Valentin”, “Frankly Valentin, he speaks too badly to Rachel, he gets angry for nothing”, “Valentine shocked !!! An embittered, nervous guy !!! Poor Rachel, ” Olalala he looks too toxic this guy Valentin my god“, wrote some Internet users on Twitter.

Faced with such a flood of criticism, Valentin Léonard wanted to express himself and above all to explain himself. “It’s not easy to see yourself in difficulty and to argue. I am often in the extreme in terms of emotions because too competitive. In the present moment, we do not really realize our own reactions. With hindsight, it’s not easy to see. I have a (very) bad temper when it comes to competition and I’m fully aware of it”, he concedes before adding: “We decided not to play roles and to live this adventure 100%. Maybe a little too much… In any case, we came out of it bigger […] We gave the maximum. I’m lucky to have a partner like you”.


See also: A Miss France has just announced that she is pregnant!

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