Deemed too expensive, the project for a Pompidou Center near New York is suspended

The opening of this first branch in North America was initially announced for 2024, then postponed to 2027. This was due in particular to delays linked to the Covid pandemic.

France Télévisions – Culture Editorial


Reading time: 2 min

The Centre Pompidou "American style" was to be born in this iconic building in Jersey City, the Pathside building. (ED JONES / AFP)

This is a setback for the international expansion of the Centre Pompidou. The project for a new centre “American style“, which was scheduled to open in Jersey City near New York in 2027, is “suspended until further notice“, the establishment confirmed to AFP on Tuesday July 2. The information first appeared in the local American press and then picked up by the website specializing in art ARTnews.

The opening of this branch of the Parisian cultural institution, the first in North America, initially announced for 2024, had already been postponed to 2027, following delays during the Covid pandemic in particular.

New Jersey state officials deemed the cost too high, according to the local news website New Jersey Monitor, Who publishes an official letter from the New Jersey Redevelopment Agency to the President of the Centre Pompidou, Laurent Le Bon.

While we are honored by the selection of Jersey City as the first North American site to host a Centre Pompidou branch, we have decided to suspend this project until further notice.“, declares one of its managers in this letter. He reports a significant increase in costs for public finances, particularly since the Covid crisis.

In a letter also published by the New Jersey Monitorthe State of New Jersey warns of the cancellation of $18 million in funding for the future museum and asks the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency to reimburse $6 million already allocated before August 1.

This is a major blow for the Parisian institution, one of the most important museums of modern and contemporary art in the world, which must close for at least five years in the summer of 2025 for major asbestos removal and renovation work, estimated at 262 million euros, financed by the State.

It is also seeking additional equity funding of €186 million for its future cultural project when it reopens.

Asked by AFP, the Pompidou Center did not provide any details on the financial consequences of the American decision, indicating only that “Discussions with the Mayor of Jersey City will continue in order to decide together on the next steps for the project.“. When contacted, the Ministry of Culture did not immediately respond.

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