decreasing consumption of fruit juices



France 2

Article written by

F. Bouquillat, E. Meyer, A. Lo Cascio, A. Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

The French are abandoning fruit juices following the warnings of nutritionists. These drinks are often very sweet and it is important to choose them carefully.

The consumption of fruit juices decreased by 2.5% in one year. The French tend to neglect these drinks. Several criteria come into play in order to choose the right fruit juice at the time of purchase. Thus, some will look at the vitamin intake while other consumers observe the sugar level. “I will see if there is added sugar or not, if there are preservatives”explains a local resident.

To choose the right fruit juice, it is essential to look carefully at the labels according to nutritionists. Added sugars are strongly discouraged. “I I’m going to look at the composition (…), that’s 22 grams of sugar in a small brick that you can take, that the children can take as a snack, for example. (…) It is enormous”, informed the dietician and nutritionist, Laurent Dufray. Doctors advise consuming fruits rather than favoring fruit juices.

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