Decrease of 14 hospitalizations related to COVID-19 in Quebec

Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 have dropped below 2,000 people in Quebec, after having experienced a slight increase in the last few days. A dozen new deaths were also reported in the most recent assessment of the pandemic.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) reported Friday 1,997 hospitalizations, down 14 from the previous day. Of this number, 666 people had a diagnosis of COVID-19 when they entered the hospital.

The situation in intensive care remains relatively stable with 47 people, two less than the previous day.

Health personnel absent for reasons related to the pandemic now amount to 4,280 workers, compared to 4,331 the day before.

The MSSS also reports 12 new deaths, bringing the death toll to 16,207 since the start of the pandemic.

Quebec also announces 999 new cases of COVID-19, but this number is far from being representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

More than 12,000 samples were taken on August 17. Some 278,200 self-reported rapid tests have been done so far. Of that number, 232,983 tested positive, including 183 of 214 tests reported Thursday.

In terms of vaccination, more than 22,800 more doses were administered in Quebec. About 20.5 million doses against COVID-19 have been injected in the province.

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